Want to help by getting involved?

Even though our work in Kowanyama is winding down there are lots of ways to help:

Contact us if you would like to volunteer your time or skills for Kowanyama or are looking to work and contribute in Kowanyama and we may be able to provide some advice and/or opportunities.

I don't feel connected or valuable! Try getting Committed for the long term!

Real change takes time, trust and relationship. Our core group of volunteers have been committed to serving Kowanyama & Cape York for the long term. We are always looking for others that share or wish to make a long term commitment.

Consider if you might like to work in Kowanyama as a teacher, tradesperson, nurse etc. where you can make a difference. Or becoming a house parent for Kowanyama kids boarding away from home for school.

How would I go about living and work in Kowanyama?

We have helped teachers, nurses, doctors, and tradesmen find a way to serve the Kowanyama community with their professional skills and talents. Please use our  the form on this page to see if we can help.

I would like to help with a program / activity!

If you want to consider helping in some other way for any projects we might do into the future then please use the form on this page for more information.


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